Mastering prepositions in English grammar is perhaps one of the most important aspects of learning the language because a preposition is a small word that has big impact on your text or paper.
To learn more about it, check out the following information about prepositions you may want to learn for yourself.
Preposition Review: What You Need to Know
- A preposition is a small word that means big in your sentence because it can connect phrases, nouns and pronouns and make your sentence more understandable.
- Unlike common misconception to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition, you can actually do it.
- One can be used in telling the time when an event happens.
- It can be used in describing the position of an object.
- Prepositions have separate functions in the sentence. Examples: “My aunt is in the meeting.” “The cat is under the chair.” “The book is in the bag.”
- It can tell the reader on ways on how something is done.
All Prepositions in English Grammar
About |
Above |
Across |
After |
Along |
Amid |
Among |
Around |
As |
At |
Before |
Behind |
Below |
Beneath |
Between |
Because of |
Down |
During |
Except |
For |
From |
In |
Into |
Inside |
Instead of |
Near |
Next to |
Of |
Off |
On |
Outside |
Past |
Out of |
Round |
Since |
Than |
Through |
Till |
To |
Under |
Underneath |
Until |
Unto |
Upon |
Without |
With |
Within |
What Are the Advantages of Using a Corrector for All Prepositions in English Grammar?
Automatic mistake detection: Without you spending so much time in correcting your paper, you can depend on the preposition checker online that can give you instant results. Sometimes, it only takes about a few seconds before the result will be returned to you. In this case, you can ensure that you can accomplish your task for the day without any hassles, no matter if you are checking multiple business documents or school essays using it.
- Free: The checker does not cost a single penny. You can use it unlimitedly without you having to pay for membership or subscription. This is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of using the corrector. You will not have to allot a budget for the corrector and you can spend on other expenses for school or business other than paying for a subscription.
- Convenience: The tool does not have to be installed or downloaded onto your PC, meaning you can ensure that you can free or save space on your computer. The tool is online-based, meaning you can use it anytime and anywhere you are.
Accuracy: The tool is designed and created with the best of the best in English; thus, you can expect that your paper will be free from errors when you use it. However, you must remember that a tool cannot detect for mistake in case you used a word incorrectly but you spelled it right. Therefore, you should still double check your paper before submission or publishing.
There you have what to know about prepositions and the advantages of using a corrector for your papers and business documents. Refer to our complete list of prepositions, use any of them when needed in your sentence and practice the right usage of preposition for correct sentences.